Home Health What is hypnotherapy?

What is hypnotherapy?

7 min read

Hypno therapy refers to guided hypnosis. It is a form of psychotherapy that is aimed at fostering a heightened state of consciousness and mindfulness. This is achieved by employing techniques that would ensure relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention in the subject. This, in other words, can be termed as a “state of trance”. However, in order to understand what is hypnotherapy and how becoming a hypnotherapist can help you help people overcome problems would be clear if you first clear the misapprehensions you might have about hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy- The practice of hypnosis

It is indeed important to differentiate between hypnosis and hypnotherapy to understand the two terms that are often used interchangeably better. Hypnosis is a tool that is used by hypnotherapists to render therapeutic services. In other words, Hypnotherapy refers to the process of helping people use natural resources deep within themselves to help them make changes that are fruitful for them or help them regain control over their life. Hypnosis is the trance-like state that a person is guided into as a part of the therapy in order to help him/her to turn their attention inward completely.

 Use of hypnotherapy

 The list of cases where hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be used to solve mental and physical problems are inexhaustive. On becoming a hypnotherapist, you may also possibly come up with a few other conditions for which it can be helpful. Let us now consider certain common conditions where hypnotherapy has been used successfully to bring about a positive change. It includes

  • Treating anxiety problems
  • To deal with persons who suffer from different kinds of phobia
  • To help individuals do away with undesirable spontaneous behaviors
  • To help overcome sleep disorders
  • To refrain from substance abuse including use of tobacco
  • To get over learning disorders
  • To overcome communication problems
  • To manage relationship problems
  • Pain management
  • Resolving medical conditions
  • Handling health conditions after chemotherapy
  • Help reduce fear and control related behavior such as teeth grinding and other oral conditions.
  • Overcoming fear of going to the doctor or visiting the dentist
  • OCD
  • Changing eating habits thereby aiding in weight loss
  • Dealing with migraine
  • Handling grief

and much more.

Hypnotherapy and how it works?

When you are thinking of becoming a hypnotherapist, it is important for you to understand the nuances involved in rendering the services. you must be able to get the individual to connect the conscious mind to the subconscious mind. there are two possible ways to do it. For example, you may have a client who wants to quit smoking. You can help the person quit smoking by using hypnosis and suggest to them that the smell of the cigar is worse than it actually is. Alternatively, you may also use regression to examine the impulse that makes the person engage in smoking and try and get rid of it. both of them would be helpful for the client to get rid of the old memories and come to new conclusions which would change the behavior for good and help him stop smoking. But, the second approach would be more fruitful because it goes deep into the root of the problem. therefore the results of the process would be positive and would last when compared to the first approach.

Training to be a hypnotherapist

 There are a number of hypnotherapy courses that you can master after you have done a bachelor’s degree in health sciences or a bachelor’s degree in social work and psychology.  You also have an online course. But, when you are thinking of pursuing it as a career, you need to ensure that you choose a hypnotherapist training option that

  • Is handled by experts who have real clinical experience
  • Provide hands-on training during the course
  • Offer valuable education credits
  • Offer certification on completion of the course successfully.

This would go a long way for you to settle down in a job and climb up the carer ladder or help you start a career of your own.

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