
Tips For Disinfecting The Home For Coronavirus And Other Viruses


The lockdown “gives” us a lot of free time; let’s not waste it! Take the opportunity to disinfect and thoroughly clean your house, and thus make it indeed a refuge for you and your family. Hygiene is always important, but in these times, even more so.

Here are a series of tips from Pest Control Idaho Falls to disinfect your home against potential allergens and viruses that may have entered it. And of course, being invisible, it is straightforward for them to enter and not even realize it.

Free Up Spaces

Diogenes Syndrome is one of the best friends of the Coronavirus and other viruses and pathogens. Get rid of everything that you no longer use so that your home is more precise, and each of its corners can be better cleaned, avoiding the accumulation of dirt. Don’t forget: “the one who needs the least is the happiest.”

Disinfect Kitchen And Bathroom

The kitchen and bathroom may not be the rooms where we spend the most time throughout the day (or well, if you don’t stop making visits to the fridge in this quarantine, maybe yes), but they are where more bacteria accumulate.

Bleach and ammonia will be your greatest allies in these rooms, as suggested by Falls Pest Services Idaho, as they are excellent disinfectants and are at the reach of everyone in any supermarket. Bleach is recommended for all areas such as toilets, faucets, sinks, sinks, clothing, clothes, or radiators. And don’t just add a little product, and that’s it, rub thoroughly, and you will do your cardio exercise of the day.

Vacuum your kitchen cabinets well because when you store food in them, it is very likely that there will be remains of food.

The stains of food and hygiene products can be tough to remove with time, so Falls Pest Services recommend sprinkling a baking soda on the stain and rub with a sponge.

Furniture Covered With Textiles And Home Clothes

We spend a lot of time on the sofa, the armchairs, the bed, and are a great source of infections. It is best to cover the sofa with a cover to make it easier to wash and disinfect; But if this is not the case and you want to show off the upholstery, disinfect it by cleaning it with a cloth and a good upholstery product.

It is also right that you put all the textiles in your home in the washing machine: bedspreads, quilts, blankets, curtains, rugs. The ideal is to wash them at a high temperature (about 60 degrees), but check each textile before; we do not want them to shrink, and you blame us!

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