Home Technology Tips for buying the ideal gaming laptop

Tips for buying the ideal gaming laptop

4 min read

You need a powerful machine, but have no idea which model to choose? Many people have questions about graphics card and processor, screen, keyboard combos, and later they end up buying a model that doesn’t meet the needs and type of use. There are a multitude of models and configurations to consider.

There are lot of models in the market with more modest configurations, and a dedicated graphics card that run games at very acceptable levels, but it’s good to check them out before buying. Here we will mention about some details which are more advanced, and which are classified as gaming laptop.

Have to choose the setting

CPU, GPU and RAM, the main components of a PC gamer.  Having the best means being very expensive. Of course it will also depend on your level of graphics requirement, if you are playing for Ultra, it is good to invest in a better configuration.

RAM memory

Another important point for choosing the best gamer laptop is RAM. The minimum recommended is 8GB to run today’s games. Most games are built on this amount as a base. Especially in more advanced configurations, it’s no use getting a GTX 1080 with an i7 8750H and having only 8GB of RAM. The ideal would be 16GB. Visit this link https://www.razer.com/gaming-laptops if you want to buy the best gaming laptop in affordable price.


In order to support the performance of equipment that is above the traditional one, manufacturers invest in a more robust special design to favour air circulation.

Choose the screen

The screen is also a very important point of any gaming laptop, especially of a gamer. If you want to fully enjoy immersion in a game, you need to choose a good screen. We always recommend to anyone who wants a good experience, minimum Full HD IPS, 144Hz, and 15 inches screen.

4K screen worth on laptop

There are also higher resolution screens on some laptops, ranging up to 4K. But they are very rare and make the models much more expensive. But frankly with laptop, it has a smaller screen in front of a TV, and when you get your face close, you will hardly have significant advantage on a 4K screen. You might consider using external monitors, but still remember that performance will be drained to support this quality, complicating things. If you want to buy the ideal gaming laptop, Razer Blade gaming laptop will be perfect.

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