
The Various Games and the Boosting Choices


By far the biggest competitor in terms of popularity is Fortnite. Production for several months systematically occupied the first place on Twitch. For several weeks, however, something is breaking down and the departure of top artists has translated into a decline in viewership.

Epic Games reported its players record at the end of March 2019. Then more people were to log in than 10.8 million people than during the Marshmello concert. So nearly there are 3 million more than currently logs into League of Legends daily. In case of the tft boost  this is important.

Now, however, it looks different. Many titles have had more viewers over the past 10 years, but League of Legends seems to be incredibly stable. So many years, and there are only more players.

Why did the league break through Fortnite?

Fortnite can be placed on a par with the word “change”. A good example is the holiday, where many people just went away for several dozen days. At Fortnite, you don’t know what to expect when you return. Although there is a whole bunch of new products (weekly updates), this is just as big an advantage as it is a major drawback. It is difficult to keep up with everything that is happening and understand the current state of the game.

League of Legends, of course, has character balance changes, new seasonal events, cosmetics items, but you cannot play Riot for a year and after returning in a few days you’ll see what is going on and how to play. In Fortnite, not only characters change, but also weapons, spots, mechanics, items and vehicles.

League of Legends players complain about the new logo and do not leave a dry thread on Riot

Many other factors also affect the success of League of Legends. Riot production has been maintaining the same level for many years. Although players often complain, in the end everything in the game is focused on the comfort of the game.

OP in LoL, and in Fortnite

  • In Fortnite OP, mechanics come out quite often. Almost every season, something that definitely disturbs the balance. Infinity sword, planes, or recently mechanics great robots that make sensible gameplay difficult.

In League of Legends you can complain about the balance of characters, especially when leaving new ones. In contrast, Riot recently changed the approach to the issue of heroes and tries to maintain balance through many hours of testing. 

Invitations from Riot to an event in London were a mistake

Ultimately, the popularity of League of Legends is certainly a surprise to many people. Epic Games has a huge advantage in Google trends. However, the number of players indicates that LoL is holding up really well and the interest does not reflect people logging in everyday.

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