Home Law Signs that you need a family law attorney in Wisconsin

Signs that you need a family law attorney in Wisconsin

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Relationship conflicts can often have disastrous outcomes. People have their reservations about talking about family matters with strangers, but there are circumstances when opening up to an attorney is a good idea. When should you look for a Wisconsin family law attorney near me? We have a guide below for your help. 

When you are ready to file for divorce

Divorce is never an easy decision to make. There are numerous aspects to consider, given that the divorce will alter your life in many ways. Wisconsin is a no-fault divorce state. You don’t need the consent of your spouse to get divorced. You can cite an “irretrievable breakdown” of the marriage as a reason enough for your divorce. Before you consider the major aspects of the divorce, talking to a lawyer is a good idea. 

When you have questions concerning alimony

Also called maintenance in Wisconsin, alimony is only granted in some circumstances. Either spouse can seek alimony, but the court will only make a decision after considering important factors. Consider talking to a lawyer if you want spousal support. Your lawyer will look at aspects like the length of the marriage, qualifications, and income of both spouses to evaluate if you would qualify for the same. 

When you have an issue with child custody

Both spouses are granted legal custody of the child in Wisconsin unless there is a risk of harm or danger concerning a parent. However, if you and your spouse are fighting over legal custody of the kids, it is a wise idea to speak with an attorney. A good family law lawyer can help negotiate and guide you through the options considering the best interests of your child. 

When you fear for your life

If your spouse has threatened or abused you, you may want to take steps to protect yourself and your children. Your attorney can help deal with matters concerning domestic violence and get a restraining order as needed. 

When you have significant assets

Wisconsin is a community property state. This means that the marital assets of the separating couple would be divided equitably between both spouses. If you own businesses or have considerable wealth, talking to an attorney would help you find ways to protect your assets. Your lawyer can also advise on matters concerning inheritance and gifts. 

Talk to a family law attorney today to know more, and don’t shy away from asking about state laws.

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