Home Business Protect Your Phone From Viruses with Norton Mobile 

Protect Your Phone From Viruses with Norton Mobile 

8 min read

This new era of technology, mobile phones have become one of our basic needs in our daily lives. Before, the only purpose why people use their mobile phones is only for communication. Today, you can do many things through your phone for it evolved to be more high-tech. As technology keeps on improving, the same goes for cyber threats. You must always keep your device protected and secured by installing a mobile security app. 

What Are Mobile Threats 

There are many mobile threats on the internet before and even now. As our technology continues to progress, the same as these threats, they also keep on involving. Luckily, Norton mobile can help you protect your phone from these threats. Nonetheless, it is important to know the things that could harm our mobile phones to protect them from any threats or internal damages. Here is the top cyber risk that you might get:

  • Malware and Spyware – It is a program that is automatically installed in your device without you knowing. It can collect your details for better targeting of ads. Spyware gathers your personal information based on your usage of the internet and transmits to a different party. 
  • Viruses – These are the ones attached to appear as legal programs. They can easily get access to your bank information by hacking your mobile device.
  • Unwanted Downloads – These are malware installed in your device without your approval. These can be obtained by visiting an erroneous website or opening an erroneous email that can be exposed to download or install a malicious file.
  • Browser Exploits – They usually take advantage of known security defects in your browser. If you see that the homepage of your web search engine has unexpectedly changed, then that means you’re a victim of it.
  • Phishing and Grayware apps – These are recognized to be fake apps that collect personal information of you, password, and other personal data.

 Norton A Mobile Security App 

Worry no more about threats that can harm your phone. Norton mobile security and antivirus is an award-winning mobile phone security service and virus protection app. It is downloaded by more than ten million people all over the globe. Norton mobile can easily detect viruses, malware, and other threats such as theft, malicious apps, and websites that can steal your personal information.

What Can Norton Offer To Your Mobile Phone

Norton is a well-published program with strong connection ties. The best one that this program can offer you is the virus detection ability. Also, it has a protective anti-malware blocker that can prevent apps from installing viruses or malware on your device. It also scans and removes apps that have viruses or spyware.

Norton can also protect you from receiving spam messages and calls that you are not interested in, the same with anonymous and suspicious calls. They also protect your phone from unsafe websites that contain viruses that you usually visit. Norton has a feature that lets you lock and wipe personal information on your device if your phone is stolen. 

How To Install Norton To Your Mobile Phone

If you are already pleased with what Norton can offer you that suits what you’re looking for in a security app, it’s time to get a Norton app installed in your device. Here are ways of installing it:

  1. If you’re an Apple user, you can open the apple store app; if you’re holding an Android device, you can open the app where you can download different apps. 
  2. On the search bar icon, type “Norton Antivirus” and then start downloading it.
  3. Install the app by pressing the “start” button for it to download.
  4. Wait a few minutes until the installation is done, then click to open.
  5. Always read their terms and agreement and privacy policy before accepting them and click continue. 
  6. Create an account or sign in by using your email address and password.

Norton mobile app offers free trial up to 30 days from the day you signed in. This requires an annual activation and annual subscriptions, which applies in one device only. To cancel the subscription before the 30-day trial ends, you can google the play account and click the cancel subscription.

In A Nutshell 

Our world of technology keeps improving every quarter of the year—new phones with high technology produced worldwide, all with the same purpose. We tend to depend on our mobile phones in our daily tasks and work because now mobile phones can download all the apps you need with just one click.

You can not hide the fact that some of these apps are threats to your phone. They may have certain viruses that can ultimately harm your phone. Installing mobile security is essential nowadays, for it protects your phone from any threats that you might encounter on the web or your apps.

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