
How To Improve Online Learning In Schools And Communities


 In response to school closings due to COVID-19, pre-school teachers, college professors, and workforce trainers are now researching best practices to learn online. Doing lots of researches in this arena proves that lido learning environments tend to provide high-quality learning. In order to support the students and educators learning online, given below are five different principles for teachers to consider:

Transform the learning process & learning goals:

It is now difficult to expect both teachers and students to maintain their normal routine even though they were learning at distance. Student’s lives completely changed now. Try to determine realistic learning goals, which are easy to achieve by your students in the present crisis. Design a learning process where students meet their goals and educators assess their progress easily.

Create learning activities suitable to online learning environment:

Stay away from all common and time-consuming consequences, while trying to rebuild the online learning environment with in-person learning activities. The lido classes have its unique benefits, which no one can leverage while seeing face-face learning as the foremost choice and online learning as the second option. Be aware of offering online learning experiences, which minimize roadblocks and maximize learner engagement.

Be ready for upcoming challenges faced by students:

Students are likely to suffer from stress and trauma in the future days because of family deaths, housing loss, and food insecurity. For educators, it becomes essential to connect with learners, react with compassion and create a list of community supplies readily available for students.

Institutional policy investigation:

Students and their families may get confused regarding the expectations of their educational institutions. They are wondering “does my online course add up to graduation”, “where can I get my assignments” and “do my teen needs to connect with group conference calls”. In case you are passionate on any of these institutional policies, help them make decisions better.

Represent a development approach:

If your online learning plans fail to work well, teachers have the responsibility to show learners how a winning adult reacts to failure. Showing the models of how can one react to challenges and failure is a really valuable gift that educators can offer to their students. When your students do not live up to expectations, give out all the added grace that you can have, as everyone needs it right now.

To finalize, faculty members need training on how to use online modalities and develop lesson plan with increased interactivities and condensed cognitive load.

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