Home Featured Glass Print Pictures – What’s the Big Hype About Them?

Glass Print Pictures – What’s the Big Hype About Them?

4 min read

Putting a photo in a glass photo frame is not quite the same as glass photo printing technique that’s getting popular day by day. The latter is a 100% improvement over the former. So, if you’re looking to refurbish or redecorate your house, there’s nothing better than getting a glass printed picture at Big Acrylic fabric prints. The reasons that we say so are listed below.

  1. The Pictures Will Stay Radiant for Long

Unlike regular paper photos, the pictures in glass prints are directly printed on the glass with the help of a flatbed printer. As a result, there are no problems like:

  • Color smudging
  • Dullness over time

Besides, since there’s actually no paper involved, the picture will neither get dull due to moisture nor will it wrinkle overtime.

  1. Glass Printed Pictures are Lighter

You might expect them to be bulky, but they’re surprisingly lightweight. Thus, you can easily move them between places whenever you feel like changing the spot.

There’s a word of caution though – no matter where you move the picture, do not move it outdoors. Glass printed pictures aren’t made for exteriors. If that’s what you are specifically looking for, then metal prints at Big Acrylic are what you should buy.

  1. The Variation is Huge

Glass gives life to colors in many ways. So, the pictures can actually be made as imaginative as one wants. Some of the best examples of variations being done on glass include the following.

  • Printing a collage on glass instead of 1 single picture.
  • Glass prints can be done in classic black and white.
  • It’s also possible to create silhouetted designs on glass.
  1. Customization is Possible

Glass printed pictures can be customized in many ways. The best ones are listed below.

  • Their dimensions can be customized.
  • Their shape can be customized.

Also, this technique can be used to print your artwork on glass.

  1. Multiple Display Options Available

Glass prints are best displayed in the following 3 ways. You can pick one according to your likes.

  1. Standoff Display – This is the most basic method where the print is secured to the wall with the help of 4 screws, 1 for each corner.
  2. Float Display – This is one of the newer options where the picture is first embedded to a block and then, that block is attached to the wall. Since the actual picture here is somewhat 1 inch away from the wall, it creates a floating illusion.
  3. Float Frame Display – The difference between float Display and float frame display is that in the latter, the actual picture is fixed to a traditional frame for creating a floating look.
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