Home Health O-Shot in Houston, TX. Enhance Your Sexual Wellness With O-Shot at New You Wellness Center, The Top Houston Med Spa.  

O-Shot in Houston, TX. Enhance Your Sexual Wellness With O-Shot at New You Wellness Center, The Top Houston Med Spa.  

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Take the O Shot, a revolutionary therapy that improves intimate wellness, and go on a journey to rejuvenation. This procedure taps the inherent abilities of one’s platelet-rich plasma to resolve a variety of wellness issues. Discover the life-changing benefits of this cutting-edge procedure at New You Wellness Center in Houston, TX, where knowledgeable staff members are committed to offering individualized care for your well-being. You too can experience its benefits today! Read through for more information regarding the O-Shot.

O-Shot: What is it? 

O-Shot is a specific therapy that uses PRP (blood-derived compounds) in a very precise way to treat female sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and several other gynecological disorders. But first, what is PRP and what is PRP therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: What is It?

PRP therapy is a new and becoming more and more popular kind of regenerative therapy that takes advantage of the body’s inherent capacity to heal itself. PRP is a blood component that contains platelets, plasma, and several other compounds and growth factors. Platelets are the cells that produce other essential growth factors and aid in blood coagulation. Plasma is the liquid component of whole blood. Platelets not only aid in healing but also draw stem cells to the target spot through the action of new blood vessel development and cell regeneration. Platelets and growth factors are present in PRP at higher concentrations than in normal plasma (around 5 times more). Over the last decade, PRP has become more popular, mostly in the fields of sports medicine and orthopedics, but also in cardiology, medical aesthetics, maxillofacial, urology, and, recently, with great interest, gynecology. 

What is The Working Mechanism Behind O-Shot? 

Platelets, which include growth factors, mediators, proteins, chemokines, and cytokines that aid in healing and regeneration, are administered to the location of interest during PRP treatment i.e., the vaginal and clitoral area for the O-Shot. Among the several processes induced by these substances are blood vessel construction and remodeling, stem cell activation, cell proliferation, coagulation, cell differentiation, cell maturation, as well as the elimination of infectious agents and cell waste. The plasma component of the PRP aids in the healing of connective tissue. Together, these compounds promote tissue regeneration and the healing of a variety of vulvovaginal conditions. The result is new blood cells in the clitoral and vaginal areas which lead to increased sensitivity and arousal which causes more frequent and stronger orgasms and healthier vaginal tissue. 

What Are the Benefits of O-Shot?

This novel technique offers the following benefits by using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) obtained from the patient’s blood: 

  1. shot alleviates vaginal dryness by promoting better lubrication thus minimizing pain during intercourse.
  2. The production of new blood vessels in the clitoral and vaginal areas as a result of O Shot results in heightened sensitivity and thus more pleasure.
  3. Improved orgasm quality. A lot of people report that their orgasms get stronger and better in quality, which enhances overall sexual pleasure. 
  4. The process can reduce mild urinary incontinence 
  5. The O Shot provides a practical and low-risk alternative (it is non-surgical and minimally invasive) for sexual health since it doesn’t need any incisions or significant recovery time.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for the O-Shot?

The O-shot is normally recommended for females with the following issues or conditions:

  • Sexual dysfunction for instance orgasmic disorders, arousal disorders, and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Low sex drive.
  • Mild urine incontinence.
  • Persistent pain after a urinary incontinence mesh repair.
  • Menopause-related vaginal dryness.
  • Dryness after breast cancer treatment.
  • Persistent perineal pain as a result of episiotomy scars and postpartum trauma.
  • Commonly occurring menopausal symptoms like lichen sclerosis and planus. 

What Should I Expect Before, During, and After O-Shot?

Even though each injection just takes a few minutes, the complete procedure takes around an hour. To extract the PRP, the patient has around 15-20 ml of blood drawn and placed in a centrifuge. After that, the vaginal region is covered with topical numbing cream and maybe the clitoris is administered with local anesthesia. The clitoris and vagina are then injected with activated PRP that has been processed from the blood. 

Is O-Shot Too Painful?

Not too painful; a numbing cream or local anesthesia may be used to alleviate the pain. 

How Long Till I See The Results After An O-Shot Procedure?

Improvement can be noticed within weeks; full effect within months. 

How Long Do O-Shot Results Last?

The duration varies but typically around 12 months. 

Potential Side Effects of O-Shot.

Like any medical treatment, the O-shot has some risks and possible adverse effects, even though it is usually regarded as safe since the chances of occurrence of these side effects are normally low. These side effects include:

  1. Little pain or discomfort at the injection site.
  2. Swelling or bruising at the injection site.
  3. Infection at the injection site.
  4. Minor bleeding at the injection site.
  5. Allergic reaction. Although very uncommon, allergy reactions to the injected substance cannot be completely ruled out. 

What is The Cost of O-Shot in Houston, TX?

The cost of undertaking an O-Shot in Houston may vary depending on the requirements and objectives of each person. It is advisable that you contact our med spa for an evaluation of your needs, requirements, preferences, and objectives and get a precise price range for your procedure based on your customized treatment plan. 

Enhance Your Sexual Wellness With O-Shot at New You Wellness Center, The Top Houston Med Spa.

The Orgasm Shot can be just what you need if you’re among the many women who experience decreased vaginal sensitivity and reduced sexual desire. The best course of action is to arrange a consultation so you can ask questions and determine if this is the best option for you. Get in touch with the friendly medical practitioners at New You Wellness Center in Houston, TX, for a confidential discussion.

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