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How to Go to Makassar

Fronting the town of Makassar is a set of Islands basking in sunlight, counting a total of 55, a few big, while some are only sand bars that vanish at high tide. This cluster of islands is also called the Spermonde Archipelago, but locals know them by their distinctive names. The islands nearest to Makassar, such as LaeLae and Kayangan, …

History of Bandung City – Truth and Development

Bandung is the capital city of West Java and the biggest metropolis in the province. Bandung is situated 768 meters above sea level, roughly 140 kilometers southeast of Jakarta. There are just two municipalities and 38 districts in total, making Bandung nation’s 4th largest city by land area, the 3rd biggest city by population with over 2.4 million people. Many …

Reasons Why It’s Not Yet Too Late to Save the Environment

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Given how things have taken a turn for the worse in recent years, it’s easy to conclude that the world is hopeless. We can’t reverse the impact of climate change, and there’s nothing we can do about the problem. Although it’s scary to receive these alarms from scientists, they’re also saying that it’s not yet too late. Yes, we already …

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