
Benefits of Using a Nissan Leaf Electric Vehicle


After the Nissan LEAF test, we decided to do a couple of articles explaining briefly the advantages and disadvantages of electric mobility vehicles today.

First of all, we will start with ten advantages, and in a few days, we will give you ten disadvantages to this kind of mobility.

1.- Electric vehicles do not emit polluting gases, and their manufacture is usually more respectful of the environment.

2.- The cost of using a 100% electric vehicle is meager. We managed to do about 50 miles with just over one dollar during the test of the Nissan LEAF.

To give you an idea, a diesel vehicle with an average consumption of 5.5 liters per 50 miles would need (starting from a cost of 50 cent per liter of diesel) around 4 dollars to travel the same distance.

3.- We will pass the ITV at the price of petrol, and we will forget about the gas test. The revisions are somewhat cheaper since we will save on oil, liquid, and filter replacements to a great extent.

4 .- In large cities where the rents of parking spaces are through the roof, we can save a lot of cash when parking in the blue zone. (Double savings: Parking costs and time spent in changing the ticket)

5.- With electric mobility vehicles, we will be able to circulate most of the areas limited to road traffic due to pollution.

6 .- For reasons of performance and general characteristics of potential buyers, insurance is somewhat cheaper.

7.- Lower noise level, almost slight vibrations, and virtually no heat emission.

8.- Less possibility of mechanical breakdowns as well as less general wear and tear of the tires and components of the braking system (depending on the driver).

General wear is lower due to the limited performance of some of the models available on the market. (Nissan LEAF does not reach 70 m/h)

9.- Energy efficiency of around 90% compared to 38% for an average diesel engine.

10.- Maximum torque from 0 rpm and constant power.

Savings in maintenance

What do we usually check in our combustion car? The engine oil, gearbox, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter, brake fluid, cooling system, timing belt, accessory belt, battery, check the coolant level, and check the brake system. All this list of elements of the car that every year we have to revise has a price and, depending on the vehicle, the price will be higher or lower. However, in the electric car, the revisions of half of this list we save thanks to the electric motor; therefore, annually, we save 40% of the maintenance cost, which is not little throughout the life of the car.

Energy independence

Electricity offers the option of being generated through renewable energy sources. The energy independence of the electric vehicle is that whoever buys an electric car can choose the origin of the energy with which they are going to recharge their vehicle. Choosing an electric vehicle is choosing energy from a renewable source.

Driving comfort

The start is fast, even in winter. The engine never stalls, as it has no clutch. Although it has gears, these are not like those of the internal combustion engine whose function is to increase the power and speed of the vehicle, but in this case, the service will help reverse the direction (the reverse gear) and whether the car moves or not.


The electric vehicle is very robust and can travel up to half million miles. It also has far fewer components than the internal combustion vehicle. Consequently, the breakdowns are much lower, as well as the maintenance is more economical; the failures are three times smaller. The reliability of the electric car is indisputable; both the mechanical components and its driving are the only advantages and comfort.

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