Monthly Archives: May 2022

Tips on social media marketing

in :  Business
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Today social media represents a good opportunity to sell and position your product. But with so many social media platforms around, it might be hard to get started. There are many social media platforms at the moment, and each one with their own characteristics that it might get difficult to know how to begin. If you’re not an experienced user …

  10 Tips For Preventing Ostomy Bag Gas And Waste Leakage

in :  Health
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Ostomy bag leak is one of the challenges people with stoma face today. It is hard to manage leaks, especially if you are new with the proper care of the pouching system or travelling long journeys. Oftentimes, leaks and accidents cause embarrassment for people with a stoma. It discourages them from going outdoors and mingling with other people. Fortunately, ostomy …