Monthly Archives: February 2020

What Makes Korean Restaurant Best For Healthy Food

in :  Food

Korean restaurants are well-known for providing flavorful, spicy, and delicious food. But do you know Korean restaurants are also best for healthy food? Korean cuisine is so healthy that South Korea swanked an obesity rate of just 3.5%. General Health Benefits Of Korean Cuisine Apart from the fact that Korean food offers to a non-obese population, it also delivers many …

An introduction to fluorescence

Fluorescence involves the emission of coloured light by a substance that has absorbed light of another colour and is a form of luminescence. Absorbing the light and re-emitting it, means that energy is lost, so the fluorescence has less energy than the light that is absorbed. Image Credit Fluorescence is found in household LED lamps Fluorescence can be found in …

How to Spot Bias in Clinical Studies

Without clinical studies/trials, new and innovative medicine and treatment would never see the light of day. They are crucial for establishing not only the effectiveness but also the safety of new drugs/treatments. Image Credit It can often take over a decade to get a new drug from conception to market, as trials have to be thorough and provide conclusive results …

Fun drills to improve passing in rugby

Of all the skills required in rugby, passing the ball efficiently and accurately is perhaps the most important. Image Credit Rugby is one of the few ball games where a forward pass is illegal, meaning player awareness of space and the positioning of team-mates is essential. However, all coaches know that keeping players interested is one of the challenges during …

Reasons to Listen to your Favorite Music

Have you ever cared to ask yourself why music as an industry is growing every day? Today, there are billions of songs that are produced every day. The artists of these songs are using it as a platform of communication about various topics. You may have also realized that there are so many types of these songs;they are different because …

Perfect Betting Deals You Can Be Sure of

People often misunderstand that sports betting is a matter of luck. People are wrong since it is a question of method. Horse racing, soccer match, mechanical sport. In this article we give you all the advice to become a professional bettor! First, you have to keep in mind that the sport remains a random game and therefore it is difficult …

Choosing the Best Streaming Choices for You

We have been using online streaming technology for quite some time now, and it has even become for some people their main means of consuming the internet (on Youtube or Netflix for example). But what exactly is streaming, and how does it work? Streaming: online video little by little When you want to watch a video or listen to music …

When to Stop Using Baby Monitors?

You may prefer to use a baby monitor to watch your baby activities. But, you cannot do it forever because someday you have to stop monitoring your baby. Monitoring your baby can make you feel calm because you know your baby’s condition. Baby monitoring is the best way to keep your baby safe. Talking about baby monitoring, when do you …

7 Essential Questions To Consider When Buying Doors And Windows

If you haven’t bought Newmarket windows before, you will definitely find it overwhelming when the time for buying the new windows come. The process of buying new windows is not an easy process. It is tedious as well as time-consuming. Before you buy the windows, there are a myriad of factors that a homeowner should consider. First, you need to …

Transform Your Body; Transform Your Life

  I believe that our minds can be a massive hindrance if we let them. Moreover, I think that our external circumstances play little if any role in determining our life standing. And as much as you might not want to say, deep down in your heart, you know this to be true. You can pretend otherwise, but you know …

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